How Do You Pick The Best Boy Dog Names? Here’s A Handy Guide

Boy dog names are lots of fun, but there are so many choices! Here’s a handy guide to selecting the best male dog names for your new pet.


What to Do If You See a Pet in a Parked Car ?

It takes only minutes to save a life.

Leaving pets locked in cars is never safe. But when the weather gets warmer, it can be deadly. High temperatures can cause irreparable organ damage and even death. Protecting animals from an unnecessary death is a problem we can all agree to prevent. (more…)

Pet Allergy

If you see your cat coughing and your dog scratching itself every now and then, there is a good chance that they are exposed to allergens. Our pets can be exposed to allergies through contact with allergens, breathing allergens, or ingesting allergy-causing food and medicine. Sometimes an injection can cause sub-dermal allergies. (more…)

A Guide to Aggression in Pet Cats

Aggressive pet cats can be a serious cause of concern for cat parents. Vets define aggression as threatening behavior towards other cats or humans. It is a very common problem. Cats may be small in size but they possess razor-sharp claws and a set of powerful teeth. They are capable of inflicting painful bites and severe lacerations. This can lead to injuries to the attacked entity and your pet cat, not to mention the possibility of a hefty vet bill. (more…)

Pet Insurance- Questions to Ask Before Buying a Pet Policy

There is a monthly cost attached to pet insurance and before you select an insurance plan you need to make sure that it is the right one for you. How do you do that? You do that by asking questions.Here are some questions to keep in mind when going for pet insurance. (more…)

Cold Winter Pet Care Tips for Your Dogs and Cats

The cold season is upon us; winters can be particularly harsh in many areas of the country. Our pets depend on us for everything and caring for them during the months of cold, sleet, and snow requires preparation and knowledge. Consider the pet species, age, and breed in mind. A common sense approach will help. A husky will tolerate cold better than a dachshund. (more…)

Cat Safety During the Holiday Season

The holidays are almost upon us and it is the time of the year when you need to be very careful about the safety of your pet cat. It needs to be protected from the cold and sundry other things that can hurt it during the festival season. Why the need for special care during this time of the year? The answer to this is that there are many changes in their routine for the couple of days preceding Christmas and after it. (more…)

Plan ahead when you need a pet sitter!

Do you need to hire a pet sitter? Perhaps you are thinking about taking a trip, or maybe you have already planned your next vacation? (more…)

How to find the right pet sitter?

If you prefer to hire a professional pet sitter, you can search online for pet sitters in your area. Be sure to check references for potential pet sitters before you choose one. (more…)